Monday, November 25, 2013

java programming

Annotation is code about the code, that is metadata about the program itself. In other words, organized data about the code, embedded within the code itself. It can be parsed by the compiler, annotation processing tools and can also be made available at run-time too.
We have basic java comments infrastructure using which we add information about the code / logic so that in future, another programmer or the same programmer can understand the code in a better way. Javadoc is an additional step over it, where we add information about the class, methods, variables in the source code. The way we need to add is organized using a syntax. Therefore, we can use a tool and parse those comments and prepare a javadoc document which can be distributed separately.

java development

Introduction to XML

XML (eXtensible Markup Language), like HTML, is a markup language for marking up the structure of a text document. It is a subset of Standard General Markup Language (SGML). XML is not a programming language like Java or C#. It is developed and maintained by World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) @ (W3C also maintains specifications for HTTP, HTML, XHTML, CSS, among others.)
XML is a family of technologies, which includes:
  • XML: the markup language itself.
  • DTD (Document Type Definition) and XML Schema: define the structure of an XML document,
  • XSL (XML Style sheet Language), XSLT (XSL Transformation), XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects): for presentation.
  • XPath, XLink, XPointer, XQuery: for locating, linking and query document.
  • DOM (Document Object Model), SAX (Simple API for XML): XML parser.
  • XQL (XML Query Language), XSQL: for querying databases.